وكيل «خارجية النواب» تنشر رد المجلس على «البرلمان الأوروبي» باللغة الإنجليزية

كتب: محمد يوسف

وكيل «خارجية النواب» تنشر رد المجلس على «البرلمان الأوروبي» باللغة الإنجليزية

وكيل «خارجية النواب» تنشر رد المجلس على «البرلمان الأوروبي» باللغة الإنجليزية

نشرت النائبة سحر البزار، رئيسة المنتدي الدولي ‏للبرلمانيين الشباب ووكيل لجنة العلاقات الخارجية بمجلس النواب، البيان الرسمي لمجلس النواب، ردًا على البرلمان الأوروبي وإدعاءاته الأخيرة بشأن أوضاع حقوق الإنسان في مصر، باللغة الإنجليزية، عبر صفحاتها على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي.

أوضاع حقوق الأنسان فى مصر

جاء ذلك في إطار توضيح الحقائق والرد على الأكاذيب التي تروج من وقت إلى آخر على بشأن أوضاع حقوق الإنسان في مصر، والتي شهدت نقلة نوعية كبيرة بعهد الرئيس عبدالفتاح السيسي.

وجاء نص بيان مجلس النواب كالتالي:

Statement of the Egyptian House of Representatives About the resolution of the European Parliament no. (2962/2022) on the situation of human rights in Egypt issued on November 24, 2022

The Egyptian House of Representatives has reviewed the resolution issued by the European Parliament on November 24, 2022 on the human rights situation in Egypt, which was based on fallacies and false allegations that have nothing to do with reality, and reflects only a biased and subjective view of the reality of the situation in Egypt.

As the Egyptian House of Representatives is expressing its rejection and complete resentment of the disappointing resolution, which is a demonstration of the European Parliament's unjustified insistence on following the supreme guardian approach towards Egypt - based on false allegations - as a judge and assessor on the developments within the Egyptian State; which is considered as a blatant interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign state, contrary to the UN Charters, which cannot be bypassed or overlooked or turn a blind eye on; it is rejected altogether.

Although, the House of Representatives has the full and complete ability to respond to everything stated in the aforementioned resolution, which is not considered neither credible nor impartial, using unacceptable stigmatization and defamation, that has been proven to fail throughout history, in addition to issuing the resolution without adopting to the Egyptian parliament opinion - which is its complete right - regarding the unfounded allegations that should not be privileged with attention as they are mere conversations depending on inaccurate information, that only expresses an unacceptable political orientation. However, the conscience of the Egyptian House of Representatives requires referring to some of what was mentioned in the resolution to reveal the truth and straightening up the facts. In particular, the state of emergency. It was stated in the resolution that the state of emergency has been applied in Egypt since 2017 until now; the fact is that the state of emergency was suspended in October 2021, and has not been renewed since then.

On the other hand, the resolution mentioned that Egypt applies death penalties against children; the fact is that this is unrealistic and implausible, as Egyptian legislation under the children's law absolutely prohibits the imposition of "death, life imprisonment and aggravated imprisonment" on children.

The resolution also stated that the defendant, Alaa Ahmed Saif al-Islam Abdel Fattah, has been arbitrarily arrested on unfounded charges, and his family is only allowed to visit him sporadically following International pressure; the fact is that the aforementioned is not arbitrarily detained, but is sentenced by the judicial authority to five years in prison for committing a criminal offense, in case no. (1228) of 2021, where he was tried in a fair trial that guaranteed him the right to defence and other guarantees of litigation, as well as permission to meet with his family and relatives on a regular basis.

According to the resolution, the defendant Ayman Hudhud was tortured to death, who died on 5 March 2022, and there was no independent autopsy or credible investigation by the Egyptian public prosecutor's office; In fact, the Egyptian public prosecutor's office, as part of the judiciary, investigated the incident and issued a clear statement in which it referred to the absence of criminal suspicion in the death of the defendant. The anatomy of his body was carried out by the Forensic medical service, which indicated that the cause of death was a chronic heart condition and that the body was free of any traces of injuries indicating the use of violence.

The resolution urged the Egyptian authorities to immediately release a group of citizens, stating that they had been unfairly arrested; In fact, these citizens are either restricted to liberty pursuant to judicial rulings handed down by Egyptian courts in fair trials, or are remanded in custody for investigations conducted by investigators, all in accordance with internationally recognized criminal procedural laws.

The Egyptian House of Representatives may note that the resolution blatantly infringes on the independence of the Egyptian Public Prosecutor's Office and the judiciary, in violation of the guarantees of the independence of the judiciary in accordance with international charters; The House of Representatives, therefore condemns in the strongest terms the attempt to undermine the Egyptian judiciary, which has consistently rejected any interference in its affairs throughout its history, whether from internal or external parties.

The House of Representatives also notes that the European Parliament has not been briefed or overlooked on the situation in Egypt for incomprehensible reasons. It is understood that the Egyptian State has issued a promising national human rights strategy, which is applied with full care by all State institutions and authorities.

The Egyptian House of Representatives notes the failure to inform the European Parliament of the latest situation in Egypt or its intended omission, for incomprehensible reasons, it is well known that the Egyptian state has issued a promising national strategy for Human Rights, which is applied with full care by all State institutions and authorities. The state has allocated all the necessary means to put it into practice . The Egyptian State is also committed to its obligations to international conventions and treaties on human rights; This makes the State's authorities committed to applying the articles ratified in the International Covenants on Economic, Social, Civil and Political Rights.

It also notes from its review of the resolution that it deliberately omitted to praise or refer to Egypt's efforts to make the Twenty-Seventh Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Sharm el-Sheikh a success. On the contrary, it attempted to detract from this by referring to misrepresented facts on the undermining of Egyptian authorities to representatives of Egyptian civil society during the conference.

The Egyptian House of Representatives, therefore expresses its extreme resentment of the intensive targeting of Egypt by the European Parliament, taking advantage of its hosting of the climate summit (COP27), and that despite this, Egypt has demonstrated to the entire world its success in hosting and organizing that major global event at the highest level, which witnessed unprecedented wide participation, and came out with concrete results that expressed the needs and demands of the world in order to save the planet.

Consequently, the Egyptian House of Representatives reminds the European Parliament that instead of overseeing the human rights situation in Egypt according to unsubstantiated information, it should be more worthwhile to address the challenges facing European Union States and improve their human rights, in the light of their flagrant violations of those rights. Foremost among them: the dangers faced by migrants, refugees and ethnic minorities, systematic racism against some European States, many disturbing phenomena threatening society's security and peace, such as Islamophobia, hate speech, violence against women, crimes against minors and the growing street violence.

The House of Representatives is keen to extend friendship and cooperation with all partners, including Europeans, and understands the desire of some parliamentary institutions to express their interest in Egypt's internal affairs because of Egypt's political weight, especially as it has been and remains the pillar of security and stability in the region, but this interest should be based on mutual respect and cooperation away from dictation, monitoring and interference in internal affairs

The Egyptian House of Representatives emphasizes that the improvement of the human rights system in Egypt has become a national goal, motivated by the desire to achieve the interest of the Egyptian citizen and to meet his aspirations for a dignified life and to safeguard his rights and Freedoms, where all the relevant state institutions join forces to achieve it, and perhaps, the State's current national dialogue encompasses all political and civil forces, with different affiliations and ideologies, inaddition to thr establishment of an institutional framework for the President of the Republic to exercise his constitutional right In pardoning some of those sentenced to certain cases through the establishment of the Presidential Pardon Commission Operating in a framework of openness and transparency, they are an indisputable indication of the State's desire to chart paths --agreed upon by the people -- in various fields; economic, political, social and other related to rights and freedoms; In order to move Egyptian policies to a new path that meets the aspirations of the people at all levels.

The Egyptian House of Representatives will spare no effort to achieve this goal, whether through the enactment or amendment of the necessary legislation, or the exercise of its oversight roles over the relevant state agencies, all without the need for guardians other than the Egyptian people as the source of authorities.

God protects Egypt and its people

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